Katiuscia Mannaro

KATIUSCIA MANNARO obtained her Engineering degree from University of Cagliari, Italy, with 110/110 Summa cum Laude in 2001. Since then, she has
actively continued her post graduate research, holding in 2002 a Master’s degree in Internet Banking from University Cattolica of Sacro Cuore of Milan and in 2003 she won a scholarship for young researchers in FIRB project (MAPS -Agile Methodologies for Software Production). In 2008 she received her Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science with a thesis on “Adopting Agile Methodologies in Distributed Software Development.”

She worked as Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (DIEE), University of Cagliari, from 2010 to 2017 and since 2019 she holds a Research Fellowship position at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Cagliari.

Her research interests include blockchain technologies applied to different sectors such as e-health, agri-food supply chain and AEC & FM industry, software modeling, agile and lean methodologies.

e-mail: katiuscia.mannaro [at] unica.it


Roberto Tonelli

Posizione: RTDB a Unica con abilitazione nazionale di professore associato.

Professore di elementi di Informatica (cdl in Matematica)

e Professore di Sistemi Informativi e DBMS (cdl specialistica in DataScience)


Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale Universitaria del MIUR

di PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO per il settore 01/B1, “informatica” e

di PROFESSORE ASSOCIATO per il settore 09/H1,
“sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni”.

Titolo: Dottorato di ricerca in Ingegneria Informatica
Tema: “Power Laws in Software Systems”.

Titolo: Dottorato di Ricerca in Fisica
Tema: “Phase Space Analysis and Applications for Different Nonlinear

-Ricercatore presso “Porto Conte Ricerche” in qualita’ di esperto
Statistica e Informatica applicata ai sistemi biologici

-Post-doc at EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) of
University of California Berkeley, California,U.S.A dal 02/2000 al

-Visiting Scientist from 04/01/2001 to 31/01/2002 at EECS of University of
California Berkeley, California,U.S.A.

-Master at University of California – Berkeley, by the N.O.E.L. Lab.: “
Studiare la transizione del caos con il formalismo della termodinamica non
estensiva applicata al circuito di Chua” finalced by the “programma
Master&Back della Regione Sardegna 2006/07”.

-Visiting Scientist al “Institute of Plasma Research (IPR)” University of
Maryland – Maryland, (1999)

Roberto Tonelli ha conseguito Laurea in Fisica presso l’Università degli studi di Cagliari nel Luglio 1995 riportando la votazione 110/110 e lodecon una tesi dal titolo “Un modello meccanico non lineare per lo studio della frattura nei materiali compositi”.
Ha conseguito il Titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Fisica presso l’Università degli studi di Cagliari nel 2000. Titolo della Tesi: “Phase Space Analysis and Applications for Different Nonlinear Systems”.
-Professore a contratto, da quattro anni (a.a. 04/05, 05/06, 06/07, 07/08), per il corso di Fondamenti di Informatica, SSD INF/01, per il primo anno del corso di laurea in Fisica.
-Professore a contratto per il corso di Fondamenti di Informatica, SSD INF/01, per il primo anno del corso di laurea in Biotecnologie Industriali.
-Professore di Ruolo di Matematica e Fisica presso il Liceo Scientifico “Pacinotti” di Cagliari, dal 28/11/2007 in congedo senza assegni.
-Titolare di Assegno di Ricerca Ministeriale, SSD FIS/03 all’Universita’ di Cagliari al Dipartimento di Fisica, titolo: “Dinamica di sistemi reali non lineari”, al quarto anno (Agosto 2003 – Agosto 2007).-Titolare presso l’Universita’ degli Studi di Cagliari del corso delle SSIS: “Corso integrato di LABORATORIO DI DIDATTICA DELLA FISICA”
-Titolare presso l’Universita’ degli Studi di Cagliari del corso per ITP: “Sistemi a microprocessore e programmazione assembler”, a.a. 2005/06
– Post-doc presso il dipartimento EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) of University of California Berkeley, California,U.S.A dal 02/2000 al 01/2001.
– Visiting Scientist dal 04/01/2001 al 31/01/2002 presso il dipartimento EECS of University of California Berkeley, California,U.S.A.
– Master all’University of California – Berkeley, presso il N.O.E.L. Lab. dal titolo: “Studiare la transizione del caos con il formalismo della termodinamica non estensiva applicata al circuito di Chua” nell’ambito del programma Master&Back della Regione Sardegna 2006/07.
– Post dottorato di due anni presso il Dipartimento di fisica dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari dal 01/07/00 al 30/06/02.
– Visiting Scientist al “Institute of Plasma Research (IPR)” University of Maryland – Maryland, (1999)Ricercatore a tempo determinato (un anno) per la “ Realizzazione di un software applicativo in realtà virtuale e sua utilizzazione in rete” dal 25/06/96 al 25/06/97 presso l’ A.I.L.U.N. (Associazione Istituzione Libera Università Nuorese)PUBBLICAZIONI:Scopritore delle successioni di numeri interi “Fibonacci-like”, accettata dalla The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences tenuta alla banca dati della AT&T, numeri A131600 e A131601 utili nel calcolo analitico delle entropie topologiche degli “Shift Spaces”

Curriculum Vitae (Curriculum)

• A Pinna, S Ibba, G. Baralla, M Marchesi, R Tonelli “A Massive Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts.
Empirical study and code metrics”. IEEE Access 7, 78194-78213 2019.
• R Tonelli, S Ducasse, M Marchesi, A Bracciali, “IWBOSE 2019 Preface”, Proceedings of ICSE 2019.
• M Ortu, M Marchesi, R Tonelli “Empirical analysis of affect of merged issues on GitHub” Proceedings of
the 4th International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering 2019.
• L Cocco, R Tonelli, M Marchesi “An Agent-Based Artificial Market Model for Studying the Bitcoin Trading”
IEEE Access 7, 42908-42920, 2019.
• L. Cocco, R. Tonelli, M. Marchesi, “An agent based model to analyze the bitcoin activity and acomparison
with the gold mining industry”, Future Internet 11 (1), 8.
• S Ibba, A Pinna, M Lunesu, M Marchesi, R Tonelli “Initial Coin Offerings and Agile Practices.“ Future
Internet 10 (11), 103
• Roberto Tonelli, Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Andrea Pinna, Davide Taibi, and Michele Marchesi, “Implementing a
Microservices System with Blockchain Smart Contracts“, Proceedings of International Workshop on
Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE), 2019, co-located with SANER 2019, Hangzhou,
Cina .
• R. Tonelli e D. Puligheddu, Book chapter “Managing CRM with Fabric Hyperledger blockchain
technology”, book chapter of –Blockchain and Web 3.0: Social, economic, and technological challenges
—Editors: Massimo Ragnedda, Northumbria University at Newcastle, Giuseppe Destefanis, School of
Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire – Routledge Editor.
• M Marchesi, L Marchesi, R Tonelli “An Agile Software Engineering Method to Design Blockchain
Applications” arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.09596 – Proceedings of Central and Eastern European Software
Engineering Conference Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation, October 12–13, 2018 (CEE-SECR ’18).
• Gavina Baralla, Simona Ibba, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli and Sebastiano Missineo “ A blockchain
based system to ensure transparency and reliability in food supply chain” European conference on
Parallel processing 2018, 379-391 Torino-Italy
• Marco Ortu, Tracy Hall, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, David Bowes, Giuseppe Destefanis “Mining
Communication Patterns in Software Development, a GitHub Analysis” Proceedings of the 14 th
International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering 2018/10/10
• Pinna, Andrea, Tonelli, Roberto, Orrú Matteo, Marchesi, Michele (2018). “A Petri Nets Model for
Blockchain Analysis.” COMPUTER JOURNAL, p. 1-15, ISSN: 0010-4620, doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxy001.
• 2018 IEEE 1st International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE),

Proceedings Preface, Roberto Tonelli, Stéphane Ducasse, Gianni Fenu, and Andrea Bracciali, DOI
• Giuseppe Destefanis, Michele Marchesi, Marco Ortu, Roberto Tonelli, Andrea Bracciali, Robert Hierons
“Smart Contracts Vulnerabilities: a Call for Blockchain Software Engineering”, Proceedings of
International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE), 2018/3/20, co-located
with SANER 2018, Campobasso Italy.
• Gianni Fenu, Lodovica Marchesi, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, “The ICO Phenomenon and its
Relationships with Ethereum Smart Contracts Environement”, Proceedings of International Workshop on
Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering (IWBOSE), 2018/3/20, co-located with SANER 2018,
Campobasso Italy.
• Simona Ibba, Gavina Baralla, Andrea Pinna and Roberto Tonelli, “Survey: how much the academic
startups know and use Agile Software and Lean Startup methodologies?”, accepted for FIAREX 2018,
May 2018, Porto, Portogallo.
• Roberto Tonelli, Andrea Pinna, Gavina Baralla and Simona Ibba, “Ethereum Smart Contracts as
Blockchain-oriented Microservices”, accepted for MADE 2018, May 2018, Porto, Portogallo.
• Valentina Lenarduzzi, Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Michele Marchesi and Roberto Tonelli, “Blockchain
applications for Agile methodologies”, XP 2018, May 2018, Porto, Portogallo.
• Marco Ortu, Andrea Pinna, Roberto Tonelli, Michele Marchesi, David Bowes and Giuseppe Destefanis
“Angry-Builds: An Empirical Study Of Affect Metrics and Builds Success on GitHub Ecosystem”, XP
2018, May 2018, Porto, Portogallo.
• Giuseppe Destefanis, Mahir Arzoky, Steve Counsell, Stephen Swift, Marco Ortu, Roberto Tonelli, Michele
Marchesi, “113 Times Tomcat: a Dataset”, PeerJ preprint, Feb. 2018.
• Marco Ortu, Giuseppe Destefanis, Steve Counsell, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, “Connecting the
Dots, Measuring Effectiveness and Affectiveness in Software Systems”, SEMOTION 2017, 2nd
International Workshop on Emotion Awareness in Software Engineering (SEmotion), 2017 IEEE/ACM.
• Concas Giulio, Marchesi Michele, Monni Cristina, Orru’ Matteo, Tonelli Roberto, “Software Quality and
Community Structure in Java Software Networks”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE
ENGINEERING AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, vol. 27, (2017) p. 1063-1096, ISSN: 0218-1940,
doi: 10.1142/S0218194017500401
• M Ortu, G Destefanis, S Counsell, S Swift, R Tonelli, M Marchesi, “How diverse is your team?
Investigating gender and nationality diversity in GitHub teams” JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE
ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, (2017) vol. 5, ISSN: 2195-1721, doi:
• R Tonelli, S Counsell, G Destefanis, A Murgia, E Tempero, “Preface to 8th Workshop on Emerging
Trends in Software Metrics” 8th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2017
IEEE/ACM, 1-1.
• S Porru, A Pinna, M Marchesi, R Tonelli, “Blockchain-oriented software engineering: Challenges and new
directions” Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM 39th International Conference on Software Engineering
Companion, ICSE-C 2017. p. 169-171, ISBN: 978-1-5386-1589-8, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20-28 May
2017, doi: 10.1109/ICSE-C.2017.142.
• G Destefanis, M Ortu, S Counsell, S Swift, R Tonelli, M Marchesi, “On the randomness and seasonality
of affective metrics for software development” Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied
ComputingVolume Part F128005, 3 April 2017, Pages 1266-127132nd Annual ACM Symposium on
Applied Computing, SAC 2017.
• Destefanis G, Ortu M, Counsell S, Swift S, Marchesi M, Tonelli R., “Software development: do good
manners matter?” PEERJ COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 2, (2016), p. 1-35, ISSN: 2376-5992, doi:
• Counsell S., Murgia A., Tempero E., Tonelli R., “Message from the Workshop Chairs-WETSoM 2016”,
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2016
IEEE/ACM, pp. Vii
• “Estimating Story Points from Issue Reports”, Simone Porru, Alessandro Murgia, Serge Demeyer,
Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, ACM Proceedings of the The 12th International Conference on
Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering, sett. 2016
• “How diverse is your team? Investigating gender and nationality diversity in GitHub teams”, Marco Ortu,
Giuseppe Destefanis, Steve Counsell, Stephen Swift, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, PeerJ Preprints
https://doi.org/10.7287/peerj.preprints.2285v1 CC BY 4.0 Open Access, Jul 2016.

• “Software development: do good manners matter?”, Giuseppe Destefanis, Marco Ortu, Steve Counsell,
Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, PeerJ, July 2016, DOI 10.7717/peerj-cs.73
• “Arsonists or firefighters? Affectiveness in agile software development”, M.Ortu, G.Destefanis,
S.Counsell, S. Swift, R. Tonelli, M. Marchesi, Agile Processes, in Software Engineering, and Extreme
Programming, Volume 251 of the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing pp 144-155,
May 2016 10.1007/978-3-319-33515-5_12
• “The emotional side of software developers in JIRA” Marco Ortu, Alessandro Murgia, Giuseppe
Destefanis, Parastou Tourani, Roberto Tonelli, Michele Marchesi, Bram Adams, ACM Proceedings of the
13th International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MRS 2016), Pag. 480-483, May 2016.
• “How do Python programs use inheritance? a replication study”, Matteo Orru’, Ewan Tempero, Michele
Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, IEEE Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) Pag. 309-315,
Dec. 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9644-8
• “A Preliminary Study on Mobile Apps Call Graphs through a Complex Network Approach”, Matteo Orru’,
Simone Porru, Roberto Tonelli, Michele Marchesi, 2015 11th International Conference on Signal-Image
Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS), Pag. 482-488, Nov. 2015.
• “A curated benchmark collection of python systems for empirical studies on software engineering”,
Matteo Orrú, Ewan Tempero, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, Giuseppe Destefanis, ACM
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software
Engineering, Pag. 2, Oct. 2015.
• S Counsell, A. Visaggio, E Tempero, R Tonelli, “Preface to 6th Workshop on Emerging Trends in
Software Metrics” 6th Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2015 IEEE/ACM,
pp. 1021-1022
• S Counsell, E Tempero, R Tonelli, A. Visaggio, “Message from the Chairs” 6th Workshop on Emerging
Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2015 IEEE/ACM, pp.vii
• “Predicting software defectiveness through network analysis”, Orru’ Matteo, Monni Cristina, Marchesi
Michele, Concas Giulio, Tonelli Roberto, CEUR Workshop Proceedings Volume 1820, 2015, Pages 36-
478th Seminar on Advanced Techniques and Tools for Software Evolution, SATToSE 2015.
• “The jira repository dataset: Understanding social aspects of software development”, Marco Ortu,
Giuseppe Destefanis, Bram Adams, Alessandro Murgia, Michele Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, Proceedings
of the 11th International Conference on Predictive Models and Data Analytics in Software Engineering,
Pag. 1, Oct. 2015.
• “Re-visiting the ‘Maintainability Index;’ Metric from an Object-Oriented Perspective”, S Counsell, X Liu, S
Eldh, R Tonelli, M Marchesi, G Concas, A Murgia, IEEE 2015, 41st Euromicro Conference on Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications Pag. 84-87 Aug. 2015.
• “The evolution of knowledge in the refactoring research field”, Matteo Orrú, Simone Porru, Michele
Marchesi, Roberto Tonelli, ACM Scientific Workshop Proceedings of the XP2015 Pag.10, May 2015.
• “6th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM 2015)”, Steve Counsell,
Aaron Visaggio, Roberto Tonelli, Ewan Tempero, 2015 IEEE/ACM 37th IEEE International Conference
on Software Engineering (ICSE) Vol. 2 Pag. 1021-1022, May 2015.
• “Are Bullies more Productive? Empirical Study of Affectiveness vs. Issue Fixing Time” M Ortu, B. Adams,
G Destefanis, P Tourani, M Marchesi, R Tonelli, Proceedings of the 12th Working Conference on Mining
Software Repositories Pag. 303-313 MSR 2015
• “Would you mind fixing this issue?” M Ortu, G Destefanis, M Kassab, S Counsell, M Marchesi, R Tonelli,
International Conference on Agile Software Development, Agile Processes, in Software Engineering, and
Extreme Programming, pag. 129-140, May 2015
• “Could micro patterns be used as software stability indicator?”, M Ortu, G Destefanis, M Orru, R. Tonelli,
M Marchesi, Patterns Promotion and Anti-patterns Prevention (PPAP), 2015 IEEE 2nd Workshop on,
Pag. 11-12, March 2015.
• “Measurements to assess the effort related to different kinds of software maintenance”, A Murgia, M.
Ortu, R Tonelli, G Concas, M Marchesi, S Counsell, 20th IMEKO TC4 International Symposium and 18th
International Workshop on ADC Modelling and Testing Research on Electric and Electronic
Measurement for the Economic Upturn Benevento, Italy, September 15-17, 2014
• “Agile Methods. Large-Scale Development, Refactoring, Testing, and Estimation: XP 2014”, T. Dingsøyr,
N. Brede Moe, R. Tonelli, S. Counsell, C. Gencel, K. Petersen, International Workshops, Rome, Italy,
May 26-30, 2014, Revised Selected Papers Springer Books, Vol. 199, Dec. 2014, Book.

• “On the influence of maintenance activity types on the issue resolution time” A Murgia, G Concas, R
Tonelli, M Ortu, S Demeyer, M Marchesi, IEEE Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on
Predictive Models in Software Engineering, Pag. 12-21, Sep. 2014
• “Research Report”, R Tonelli, 2014, http://www.dsf.unica.it/~roberto/report3.pdf
• “Clustering of defects in Java software systems” G Concas, C Monni, M Orrù, R Tonelli, Proceedings of
the 5th International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics, Pag. 59-65, June 2014.
• “System performance analyses through object-oriented fault and coupling prisms”, A Murgia, R Tonelli, M
Marchesi, G Concas, S Counsell, S Swift, Proceedings of the 5th ACM/SPEC international conference
on Performance, 2014
• “Are Some Refactorings Attached to Fault-Prone Classes and Others to Fault-Free Classes?” S.
Counsell, S Swift, A Murgia, R Tonelli, M Marchesi, G Concas, Agile Methods. Large-Scale Development,
Refactoring, Testing, and Estimation 2014.
• “Refactoring Clustering in Java Software Networks” G Concas, C Monni, M Orru, M Ortu, R Tonelli, Agile
Methods. Large-Scale Development, Refactoring, Testing, and Estimation, Vol 199, Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing p. 121-135, 2014
• “Are Refactoring Practices Related to Clusters in Java Software?” G Concas, C Monni, M Orrù, R.Tonelli,
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 269-276, 2014
• “Software Metrics in Agile Software: An Empirical Study” G Destefanis, S Counsell, G Concas, R Tonelli,
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 157-170, 2014
• “The fractal dimension of software networks as a global quality metric” I Turnu, G Concas, M.Marchesi, R
Tonelli, Information Sciences 245, 290-303 2013
• “A study of the community structure of a complex software network” G Concas, C Monni, M Orru, R
Tonelli, Emerging Trends in Software Metrics (WETSoM), 2013 4th International Conf. On .2013
• “Conditional-based refactorings and fault-proneness: an empirical study” S Counsell, M Gatrell, R
Hierons, A Murgia, R Tonelli, M Marchesi, et al, Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops
(ICSTW), 2013 IEEE .2013
• “Entropy of some CK metrics to assess object-oriented software quality” I Turnu, G Concas, M Marchesi,
R Tonelli, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering Vol. 23, 2013
• “Micro Patterns in Agile Software” G Concas, G Destefanis, M Marchesi, M Ortu, R Tonelli, Agile
Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming, 210-222 2013
• “Effects of the fermentation process on gas-cell size two-dimensional distribution and rheological
characteristics of durum-wheat-based doughs” S Fois, C Fadda, R Tonelli, M Sanna, PP Urgeghe, T
Roggio, P Catzeddu, Food Research International 49 (1), 193-200 2012
• “A case study of the use of Open Source CMS in Public Administrations” G Destefanis, R Tonelli, L
Cocco, G Concas, M Marchesi, Web Systems Evolution (WSE), 2012 14th IEEE International
Symposium on, 31-34 2012
• “Micro Pattern Fault-Proneness” G Destefanis, R Tonelli, E Tempero, G Concas, M Marchesi, Software
Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), 2012 38th EUROMICRO 2012
• “Onset of chaotic phase synchronization in complex networks of coupled heterogeneous oscillators” F
Ricci, R Tonelli, L Huang, YC Lai, Physical Review E 86 (2), 027201 2012
• “Entropy of the degree distribution and object-oriented software quality”, I Turnu, M Marchesi, R Tonelli,
Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics. 2012
• “An empirical study of software metrics for assessing the phases of an agile project” G Concas, M
Marchesi, G Destefanis, R Tonelli, International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge
Engineering Vol. 22, N. 4 Pag. 525-548, 2012
• “Refactoring and its relationship with fan-in and fan-out: An empirical study” A Murgia, R Tonelli, M
Marchesi, G Concas, S Counsell, J McFall, S Swift, Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR),
2012 16th European Conference, 2012
• “An analysis of anti-micro-patterns effects on fault-proneness in large Java systems” G Destefanis, R
Tonelli, G Concas, M Marchesi, Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied
Computing, 1251-1253 2012.

• “Power laws in software systems” R Tonelli, Universita’degli Studi di Cagliari 2012, Ph.D. Thesys.
• “Mixing SNA and classical software metrics for sub-projects analysis” R Tonelli, G Destefanis,
Proceedings of 11th WSEAS International conference on Software Engineering, 2012
• “On the distribution of bugs in the eclipse system” G Concas, M Marchesi, A Murgia, R Tonelli, I Turnu,
Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 37 (6), 872-877 2011.
• “An empirical study of refactoring in the context of FanIn and FanOut coupling” A Murgia, R Tonelli, S
Counsell, G Concas, M Marchesi, Reverse Engineering (WCRE), 2011 18th Working Conference on,
372-376 2011
• “The fractal dimension metric and its use to assess object-oriented software quality” I Turnu, G Concas,
M Marchesi, R Tonelli, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software
Metrics, 2011.
• “Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on Quality Index Method (QIM) scores of farmed gilthead
seabream (Sparus aurata L.) at low and abused temperatures” M Campus, E Bonaglini, R.Cappuccinelli,
MC Porcu, R Tonelli, T Roggio, Journal of food science 76 (3), S185-S191, 2011
• “Parameter-based refactoring and the relationship with fan-in/fan-out coupling” A Murgia, M.Marchesi, G
Concas, R Tonelli, S Counsell, Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), 2011
IEEE, 2011
• “Application of 2 ‐ D DIGE to formalin ‐ fixed, paraffin ‐ embedded tissues” A Tanca, D Pagnozzi, G Falchi, R
Tonelli, S Rocca, T Roggio, S Uzzau, et al, Proteomics 11 (5), 1005-1011, 2011
• “Proteomic analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lung neuroendocrine tumor samples from
hospital archives” A Tanca, MF Addis, D Pagnozzi, P Cossu-Rocca, R Tonelli, G Falchi, .et. Al Journal of
proteomics 74 (3), 359-370, 2011
• “An analysis of SNA metrics on the Java Qualitas Corpus”, R Tonelli, G Concas, M Marchesi, A Murgia,
Proceedings of the 4th India Software Engineering Conference, 205-213, 2011
• “A modified Yule process to model the evolution of some object-oriented system properties” I Turnu, G
Concas, M Marchesi, S Pinna, R Tonelli, Information Sciences 181 (4), 883-902, 2011
• “NMR analysis of seven selections of vermentino grape berry: metabolites composition and
development” G Mulas, MG Galaffu, L Pretti, G Nieddu, L Mercenaro, R Tonelli, .et. Al, Journal of
agricultural and food chemistry 59 (3), 793-802, 2011
• “Computing the fractal dimension-a global metrics for large software systems” G Concas, M Locci, M
Marchesi, R Tonelli, I Turnu, Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering (CiSE), 2010
• “A machine learning approach for text categorization of fixing-issue commits on CVS”, A Murgia, G
Concas, M Marchesi, R Tonelli, Proceedings of the 2010 ACM-IEEE International Symposium on
Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, p. 6, 2010.
• “Assessing traditional and new metrics for object-oriented systems” G Concas, M Marchesi, A Murgia, S
Pinna, R Tonelli, Proceedings of the 2010 ICSE Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Metrics,
• “Three algorithms for analyzing fractal software networks” M Locci, G Concas, R Tonelli, I Turnu, WSEAS
Transactions on Information Science and Applications 7 (3), 371-380, 2010
• “Three efficient algorithms for implementing the preferential attachment mechanism in Yule-Simon
Stochastic Process” R Tonelli, G Concas, M Locci, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and
Applications 7 (2), 176-185, 2010
• “An empirical study of social networks metrics in object-oriented software” G Concas, M Marchesi, A
Murgia, R Tonelli, Advances in Software Engineering 2010, Vol. 2010.
• “Efficient implementation of the Yule-Simon stochastic process for modeling internet and software
development activities” R Tonelli, G Concas, M Locci, Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS international
conference on Applied computer Science, 2009
• “Empirical study on software metrics and issues in object oriented systems” A Murgia, G Concas, M
Marchesi, S Pinna, R Tonelli, Emerging Trends in Software Metrics, 33, 2009
• “Empirical study of software quality evolution in open source projects using agile practices”, A.Murgia, G
Concas, R Tonelli, I Turnu, Proc. of the 1st International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Software
Engineering, 2009
• “An analysis of bug distribution in object oriented systems” A Murgia, G Concas, M Marchesi, R. Tonelli, I
Turnu, arXiv preprint arXiv:0905.3296, 2009.
• “A dynamic model of software product generative process” G Concas, M Marchesi, S Pinna, R. Tonelli, I
Turnu, Software Engineering Conference, 2008. APSEC’08. 15th Asia-Pacific, 43-50, 2008
• “Controlling Chua’s circuits using computational verb controllers” R Tonelli, T Yang, International Journal
of Robust and Nonlinear Control 18 (17), 1622-1636, 2008
• “Fibonacci-like sequences and shift spaces in symbolic dynamics” R Tonelli, arXiv:0708.4370v1, 8, 2007

1. R. Tonelli, L.O. Chua ”Controlling Topological Entropy of Cellular Automata using Fibonacci-like Recurrence Relationships”, 2007, submitted
2. R. Tonelli “Fibonacci-like Sequences and Shift Spaces in symbolic Dynamics”, 2007, submitte
3. R. Tonelli, T. Yang “Synchronizing Henon Maps Using Computational Verb Controllers”, February 2007 submitted
4. R. Tonelli, T. Yang “Controlling Chua’s Circuits Using Computational Verb Controllers”, February 2007, submitted
5. R. Tonelli “Convergence to the Critical Attractor at Infinite and Tangent Bifurcation Points”, Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 16, No. 8 (2006) 2369, .
6. R. Tonelli, G. Mezzorani, F. Meloni, M. Lissia and M. Coraddu, “Entropy Production and Pesin Identity at the onset of Chaos”, Prog. Theor. Phys. Vol. 115, No. 1, (January 2006).
7. R. Tonelli, M. Lissia and M. Coraddu, “Statistical descriptions of nonlinear systems at the onset of chaos”, Physica A 365 (2006) 252-257.
8. R. Tonelli and M. Coraddu, “Numerical Study of the Oscillatory Convergence to the Attractor at the Edge of Chaos”, European Physical Journal B Vol. 50 N. 1-2 (2006).
9. R. Tonelli, M. Lissia and M. Coraddu “Non extensive entropies and weak sensitivity at the edge of chaos”, AIP Conference Proceedings – Modeling Cooperative Behavior in the Social Sciences, proceedings of 8th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics, 2005 New-York
10. M. Coraddu, R. Tonelli, F. Meloni and G. Mezzorani “ Weak insensitivity to initial conditions at the edge of chaos in the logistic map”, Physica A 340/1-3 (2004), pp. 234-239.
11. R. Tonelli, F. Aymerich and F. Meloni“Analysis of Nonlinear Time Series Generated by Composite Materials Before Their Fracture”, MRS-AFRICA proceedings, Johannesburg-Sudafrica (2003).
12. R. Tonelli and F. Meloni“Chua’s Periodic Table” Tutorial, Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, Vol. 12, No. 7 (2002) 1451-1464.
13. R. Tonelli, L.O. Chua and F. Meloni “Mapping Atoms to Nonlinear Chua’s Circuits”, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, N. 2955.
14. R. Tonelli, L.O. Chua and F. Meloni “From Bifurcations to Chua’s Periodic Table”, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 2002.
15. R. Tonelli, Y.C. Lai and C. Grebogi, “Feedback synchronization using pole-placement control”, Int. Jour. of Bif. and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 11 2000 pp. 2611-2617,
16. Pegna, R. Marroccu, F. Meloni, G. Santoboni and R. Tonelli “Experimental definition of the basin of attraction for Chua’s circuit”, Int. Jour. of Bif. and Chaos, Vol. 10, No. 5 2000 pp. 959-970.
17. R. Tonelli, F. Meloni and F. Aymerich, “Fracture in composites in a nonlinear dynamic scheme”, Int. Jour. of Bif. and Chaos, Vol. 9, No. 12 1999 pp 2363-2367.
18. R. Tonelli, F. Meloni, F. Ginesu e F. Aymerich “The fracture of composite materials: a chaotic approach” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 539 1999, MRS pp. 195-201.
19. M. Lissia, M. coraddu and R. Tonelli “ What Entropy at the Edge of Chaos”, Proceedings of NEXT 2004, Complexity, Metastability and Nonextensivity, Erice 20-26 July 2004.
20. R. Tonelli, G. Cappellini, S. Trillo and F. Meloni “Coupled Mode Versus Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Continuous Media”, proceedings of WASCOM 2003, Villasimius Italy.
21. F. Meloni R. Tonelli , F. Ginesu and F. Aymerich“Fracture in materials investigated by chaos theory” Invited Chapter, proceedings della SIF (Societa’ Italiana di Fisica), Progress in Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 84 pag. 377.
22. R. Tonelli, F. Meloni, F. Aymerich e F. Ginesu “ Crack in Composite Materials: A Chaotic Analysis”, atti del International Conference on Advanced Composites, Hurgadah, Egypt (1998), pp 125-134;
23. R. Tonelli and L.O. Chua “The Chua’s Atom and Periodic Table”, UC-Berkeley, Internal Report 2001.
24. R. Tonelli and F. Meloni “Active Synchronization Using Pole-Placement Control”, proceedings of Shanghai International Simposium on Nonlinear Science and Applications (2003)
25. R. Tonelli, G. Santoboni, F. Meloni and S. Sanna, “Chaotic dynamic in LSSL heterojunctions”, Proceeding of “The general conference of the condensed matter division of the European physical society” Grenoble, August 1998, France
26. R. Tonelli, G. Santoboni, F..Meloni and S. Sanna “Chaotic motion of electrons in superlattices heterojunctions”, proceeding of the “VIII Italian-Swiss Workshop on Computation Materials Science” S. Margherita di Pula, Cagliari, September 1998, Italy
27. R. Tonelli “Chaos in real systems”, internal report, Phys. Dept., University of Cagliari, Italy
28. F. Meloni, R. Tonelli e S. Dessi: “Active Synchronization in Discrete and Continuous Flows”, LXXXVIII Congresso Nazionale S.I.F., 26/9 1/10 2002
29. F. Meloni, R. Tonelli e R. Pilia: “Analysis of EEG as Nonlinear Time Series”, LXXXVIII Congresso Nazionale S.I.F., 26/9 1/10 2002
30. F. Meloni, F. Ricci, M.I. Saba e R. Tonelli:”Dinamica simbolica di mercati finanziari simulati”, XCII Congresso Nazionale della S.I.F., Torino, 18-23 Sett. 2006.
31. F. Meloni, F. Ricci, M.I. Saba e R. Tonelli:”Dinamica nonlineare applicata all’econofisica”, XCII Congresso Nazionale della S.I.F., Torino, 18-23 Sett. 2006.
32. R. Tonelli, F. Meloni, “The Fracture of Composite Materials: a Chaotic Approach” atti del congresso“Plasticity of Materials” 98,Granada, Spain (1998);

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Email:  roberto.tonelli@dsf.unica.it