Accepted Papers

Full Papers


“Blockchain-based electronic health record system with patient-centred data access control”,

Stavros Koumpounis and Mark Perry.


“Automatic Generation of a Blockchain-based Drug Supply Chain Management System”,

Lodovica Marchesi.


“TODLER: A Transaction Ordering Dependency anaLyzER – for Ethereum Smart Contracts”,

Sundas Munir and Christoph Reichenbach.


“Modeling of Blockchain and Application Concerns in Blockchain Applications”,
Michael Shin.



Short Papers


“Exploring distributed ledger technology for severely constrained environment”,
Gurpriya Kaur Bhatia, Venkatesh Subramanian and Satyasai Srinivas Abbabathula.


“A notarization system for water quality parameters”, 

Marco Cabras, Maria Ilaria Lunesu, Andrea Pinna and Gianni Fenu.


“Kryptosafe: managing and trading datasets using blockchain and IPFS”,

Marco Di Francesco, Lodovica Marchesi and Raffaele Porcu.


“A methodology for log-based Smart Contract testing”,

Remo Pareschi and Francesco Salzano.